October 2016
Sunday Psalm #218
October 30, 2016
Lord when your glory appears
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
November 6, 2016
Our responsorial psalm settings for next Sunday are by Tinnah M. dela Rosa, Patrick John M. Fernandez, James Swu, and Dennis N. Marasigan.
In this responsorial you proclaim your faith in God's promise of eternal life and your choice to remain faithful to discipleship no matter what its costs. This is no small thing considering the cost will be your life. What conversation might you have with Christ this week to give you courage and strengthen your hope? (Cf. Living Liturgy 2013, p. 249)
Please click the picture or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for November 6, 2016 in English via the US Conference for Catholic Bishops website or in Filipino via the Word and Life Publications.
Lord when your glory appears
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
November 6, 2016
Our responsorial psalm settings for next Sunday are by Tinnah M. dela Rosa, Patrick John M. Fernandez, James Swu, and Dennis N. Marasigan.
In this responsorial you proclaim your faith in God's promise of eternal life and your choice to remain faithful to discipleship no matter what its costs. This is no small thing considering the cost will be your life. What conversation might you have with Christ this week to give you courage and strengthen your hope? (Cf. Living Liturgy 2013, p. 249)
Please click the picture or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for November 6, 2016 in English via the US Conference for Catholic Bishops website or in Filipino via the Word and Life Publications.
Sunday Psalm #217
October 23, 2016
I will praise your name forever Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) October 30, 2016 Our responsorial psalm settings for next Sunday are by Tinnah M. dela Rosa, Patrick John M. Fernandez, and Dennis N. Marasigan. Psalm 145 praises God for all that God does but in the context of the first reading and gospel the praise is particularly for God's mercy to sinners. For what have you been shown this mercy? How have you praise God for it? (Cf. Living Liturgy 2013, p. 244) Please click the picture or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for October 30, 2016 in English via the US Conference for Catholic Bishops website or in Filipino via the Word and Life Publications. |
Sunday Psalm #216
October 16, 2016
The Lord hears the cry of the poor
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
October 23, 2016
Our four responsorial psalm settings for next Sunday are by Tinnah M. dela Rosa, Patrick John M. Fernandez, Ken Steven and Dennis N. Marasigan.
The words of the responsorial psalm parallel the message Jesus tells in his parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector (gospel). When you sing these words, then, you know what Jesus knew, and you tell it. What was it that Jesus knew? (Cf. Living Liturgy 2013, p. 237)
Please click the picture or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for October 23, 2016 in English via the US Conference for Catholic Bishops website or in Filipino via the Word and Life Publications.
The Lord hears the cry of the poor
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
October 23, 2016
Our four responsorial psalm settings for next Sunday are by Tinnah M. dela Rosa, Patrick John M. Fernandez, Ken Steven and Dennis N. Marasigan.
The words of the responsorial psalm parallel the message Jesus tells in his parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector (gospel). When you sing these words, then, you know what Jesus knew, and you tell it. What was it that Jesus knew? (Cf. Living Liturgy 2013, p. 237)
Please click the picture or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for October 23, 2016 in English via the US Conference for Catholic Bishops website or in Filipino via the Word and Life Publications.
Sunday Psalm #215
October 9, 2016
Our help is from the Lord Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) October 16, 2016 Our three responsorial psalm settings for next Sunday are by Tinnah M. dela Rosa, Patrick John M. Fernandez, and Dennis N. Marasigan. When you sing this responsorial psalm, you are like the temple priest blessing the people as they begin their journey homeward. The people are the Body of Christ, the journey that of faithful discipleship, the homeland God's kingdom. How in your singing can you assure the assembly members of God's presence and protection on the way? How outside of Sunday Eucharist can you persist in your prayer for them? (Cf. Living Liturgy 2013, p. 233) Please click the picture or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for October 16, 2016 in English via the US Conference for Catholic Bishops website or in Filipino via the Word and Life Publications. |
Sunday Psalm # 214
October 2, 2016
The Lord has revealed to the nations Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) October 9, 2016 Our five responsorial psalm settings for next Sunday are by Alejandro D. Consolacion II, Tinnah M. dela Rosa, Joey Delos Santos, Patrick John M. Fernandez, and Dennis N. Marasigan. In this responsorial psalm you proclaim God's saving deeds and invite the assembly to acknowledge and give thanks for them. As preparation for singing this psalm, look each day for an example of salvation unfolding and consciously give God thanks for it. (Cf. Living Liturgy 2013, p. 229) Please click the picture or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for October 9, 2016 in English via the US Conference for Catholic Bishops website or in Filipino via the Word and Life Publications. |