Over the years, Tinnah dela Rosa and the contributors of PraySing Ministry have written, co-written and collected prayer sessions, recollections, retreats, liturgies, workshops, lessons, etc. that may be useful in your work of forming others. Many of these formation materials are free and can be downloaded immediately. If you find a particular material useful in your ministry and wish to encourage PraySing Ministry to develop more formation materials, please feel free to make a donation. Details are on this page. Thank you!
Copy Policy for Formation Materials
Visitors may utilize the formation/liturgy/teaching resources found here provided that:
1. They are for nonprofit educational use. All other uses require permission from the author/s.
2. These materials are not passed off as the work of others. Please acknowledge the author/s of the work whenever used or reprinted.
3. The formation materials are not offered to others for a fee or sold for profit.
4. The fundamental meaning of excerpts from the formation materials are not altered. Adaptation to your group's needs is encouraged for as long as genuine care that the fundamental intent of the material is not changed.
1. They are for nonprofit educational use. All other uses require permission from the author/s.
2. These materials are not passed off as the work of others. Please acknowledge the author/s of the work whenever used or reprinted.
3. The formation materials are not offered to others for a fee or sold for profit.
4. The fundamental meaning of excerpts from the formation materials are not altered. Adaptation to your group's needs is encouraged for as long as genuine care that the fundamental intent of the material is not changed.