July 2015
Thursday Music #132
July 30, 3015
What do you hunger and thirst for? Do you hunger and thirst for more?
Someone at some point in our lives seemingly moves a step ahead of us. And we always try to catch up. We desire for more. We want to be more advanced than others in almost every aspect of our lives—be it mental, material, or financial. But how about our spiritual advancement?
Have we forgotten to hunger and thirst for Jesus?
As we pray and reflect, may this song, "Bread for the World" by Bernadette Farrell, be our reminder to hunger and thirst for Jesus in the Eucharist. More so, may it also challenge us to find in the Eucharist the strength to be bread for those who hunger and to be wine for those who thirst in our world today.
May His Consecrated Body and Blood heal us, gather us together, keep us, and humble us. Jesus calls us to the Holy Feast every Sunday. Let us heed His call and be nourished enough so that we could be bread for the world, wine for people who thirst, with love outpoured as a blessing to others.
Many thanks to Agnes Choo for the video and to Em Alcantara for the reflection!
What do you hunger and thirst for? Do you hunger and thirst for more?
Someone at some point in our lives seemingly moves a step ahead of us. And we always try to catch up. We desire for more. We want to be more advanced than others in almost every aspect of our lives—be it mental, material, or financial. But how about our spiritual advancement?
Have we forgotten to hunger and thirst for Jesus?
As we pray and reflect, may this song, "Bread for the World" by Bernadette Farrell, be our reminder to hunger and thirst for Jesus in the Eucharist. More so, may it also challenge us to find in the Eucharist the strength to be bread for those who hunger and to be wine for those who thirst in our world today.
May His Consecrated Body and Blood heal us, gather us together, keep us, and humble us. Jesus calls us to the Holy Feast every Sunday. Let us heed His call and be nourished enough so that we could be bread for the world, wine for people who thirst, with love outpoured as a blessing to others.
Many thanks to Agnes Choo for the video and to Em Alcantara for the reflection!
Sunday Psalm #151

July 26, 2015
The Lord gave them bread from heaven
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
August 2, 2015
Our setting in English for this Sunday is by Tinnah M. dela Rosa.
The bread from heaven you sing about in this psalm is the person of Jesus given to us so that we may have fullness of life. In your singing you call the community to believe in this gift and remain faithful to the relationship it establishes. How is Jesus giving you bread from heaven every day? How does your eating of this Bread every Eucharist strengthen your faith in Jesus? (Cf. Living Liturgy 2012, p. 183)
Please click the pictures or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for next Sunday (August 2, 2015) in English via the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.
The Lord gave them bread from heaven
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
August 2, 2015
Our setting in English for this Sunday is by Tinnah M. dela Rosa.
The bread from heaven you sing about in this psalm is the person of Jesus given to us so that we may have fullness of life. In your singing you call the community to believe in this gift and remain faithful to the relationship it establishes. How is Jesus giving you bread from heaven every day? How does your eating of this Bread every Eucharist strengthen your faith in Jesus? (Cf. Living Liturgy 2012, p. 183)
Please click the pictures or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for next Sunday (August 2, 2015) in English via the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Sunday Psalm #150
July 19, 2015
The hand of the Lord feeds us
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
July 26, 2015
Our setting in English is by Tinnah M. dela Rosa while our setting in Filipino is by Dennis N. Marasigan.
This responsorial psalm is part of Psalm 145, the whole of which is an acrostic, meaning that each verse begins with the next letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The psalm is a hymn of praise celebrating the continuity of God’s goodness and care from the beginning of all things to their end. As with last Sunday’s responsorial psalm, Psalm 145 declares that God will answer all your needs. You only have to “look hopefully” in God’s direction. How this week might you look toward God more hopefully? For what do you need to look? In terms of this Sunday’s gospel, for whom do you need to look? (Cf. Living Liturgy 2012, p. 179)
Please click the pictures or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for next Sunday (July 26, 2015) in English via the US Conference of Catholic Bishops or in Filipino via the World and Life Publications.
The hand of the Lord feeds us
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
July 26, 2015
Our setting in English is by Tinnah M. dela Rosa while our setting in Filipino is by Dennis N. Marasigan.
This responsorial psalm is part of Psalm 145, the whole of which is an acrostic, meaning that each verse begins with the next letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The psalm is a hymn of praise celebrating the continuity of God’s goodness and care from the beginning of all things to their end. As with last Sunday’s responsorial psalm, Psalm 145 declares that God will answer all your needs. You only have to “look hopefully” in God’s direction. How this week might you look toward God more hopefully? For what do you need to look? In terms of this Sunday’s gospel, for whom do you need to look? (Cf. Living Liturgy 2012, p. 179)
Please click the pictures or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for next Sunday (July 26, 2015) in English via the US Conference of Catholic Bishops or in Filipino via the World and Life Publications.
Sunday Psalm #149
July 12, 2015
The Lord is my shepherd Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) July 19, 2015 Our settings in English are by Tinnah M. dela Rosa and Joey Delos Santos while our setting in Filipino is by Dennis N. Marasigan. Psalm 23 is perhaps the best known and most loved of all the psalms. Its verses use two images – shepherd and host – to communicate the truth that unstintingly God cares for, feeds, nurtures, and protects. It is easy to see the appropriateness of singing verses of this psalm on this Sunday when the readings reveal that God never abandons the people. According to Psalm 23, God will leave you wanting for no other. Do you believe this? Do you tell God your wants and needs? What is it that you want? (Cf. Living Liturgy 2012, p. 175) Please click the pictures or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for next Sunday (July 19, 2015) in English via the US Conference of Catholic Bishops or in Filipino via the World and Life Publications. |
Sunday Psalm #148
July 5, 2015
Lord, let us see your kindness Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) July 12, 2015 Our settings in English are by Tinnah M. dela Rosa and Joey Delos Santos while our setting in Filipino is by Dennis N. Marasigan. The responsorial psalm reminds us that the work of salvation is God’s initiative. It is God’s kindness we shall see, God’s salvation we shall be granted (refrain), and God’s word that is proclaimed (first strophe). The call to be prophet, the mission to preach, and the power to confront evil and cure disease come not from ourselves but from God. Do you hear the proclamation God is making in the world? Do you see God’s kindness? Do you see justice and peace coming together? In what ways is God calling you to proclaim what you hear and see? How in singing this responsorial psalm are you prophet of God’s saving work? (Cf. Living Liturgy 2012, p. 171) Please click the pictures or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for next Sunday (July 12, 2015) in English via the US Conference of Catholic Bishops or in Filipino via the World and Life Publications. |