August 2018
Sunday Psalm #315
August 26, 2018
One who does justice will live
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
September 2, 2018
Our setting in English for next Sunday is by Tinnah M. dela Rosa while our Filipino setting is by Dennis N. Marasigan.
This psalm challenges you to use the manner of your relating to other human beings as the benchmark of your fidelity to God. Do you act with the truth justice, and love described in the psalm? When do you struggle to act this way? When is it easy? (Cf. Living Liturgy 2012, p. 201)
Please click the pictures or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for next Sunday (September 2, 2018) in English via the US Conference of Catholic Bishops or in Filipino via the Word and Life Publications.
One who does justice will live
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
September 2, 2018
Our setting in English for next Sunday is by Tinnah M. dela Rosa while our Filipino setting is by Dennis N. Marasigan.
This psalm challenges you to use the manner of your relating to other human beings as the benchmark of your fidelity to God. Do you act with the truth justice, and love described in the psalm? When do you struggle to act this way? When is it easy? (Cf. Living Liturgy 2012, p. 201)
Please click the pictures or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for next Sunday (September 2, 2018) in English via the US Conference of Catholic Bishops or in Filipino via the Word and Life Publications.
Sunday Psalm #314
August 19, 2018
Taste and see the goodness of the Lord Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) August 26, 2018 Our setting in English for next Sunday is by Tinnah M. dela Rosa. The Lectionary gives you the opportunity this week to really mean what you say. For the third time, you are asked to sing, "Taste and see the goodness of the Lord." This can become your moment of choice just as the confrontation in the gospel between Jesus and the disciples is their moment of choice. Do you really believe? Are you willing to follow Christ no matter where he leads and what the cost?(Cf. Living Liturgy 2012, p. 197) Please click the pictures or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for next Sunday (August 26, 2018) in English via the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. |
Sunday Psalm #313
August 12, 2018
Taste and see the goodness of the Lord
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
August 19, 2018
Our setting in English for next Sunday is by Tinnah M. dela Rosa while our Filipino setting is by Dennis N. Marasigan.
As you prepare to call others in this Sunday's responsorial psalm to feast on the goodness of God, you might take some time to reflect on who first called you to the table of the Lord. Who calls you now to keep coming? Who witnesses for you that feasting again and again on the Body and Blood of Christ will transform your life? (Cf. Living Liturgy 2012, p. 193)
Please click the pictures or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for next Sunday (August 19, 2018) in English via the US Conference of Catholic Bishops or in Filipino via the Word and Life Publications.
Taste and see the goodness of the Lord
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
August 19, 2018
Our setting in English for next Sunday is by Tinnah M. dela Rosa while our Filipino setting is by Dennis N. Marasigan.
As you prepare to call others in this Sunday's responsorial psalm to feast on the goodness of God, you might take some time to reflect on who first called you to the table of the Lord. Who calls you now to keep coming? Who witnesses for you that feasting again and again on the Body and Blood of Christ will transform your life? (Cf. Living Liturgy 2012, p. 193)
Please click the pictures or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for next Sunday (August 19, 2018) in English via the US Conference of Catholic Bishops or in Filipino via the Word and Life Publications.
Sunday Psalm #312
August 5, 2018
Taste and see the goodness of the Lord
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
August 12, 2018
Our setting in English for next Sunday is by Tinnah M. dela Rosa while our Filipino setting is by Dennis N. Marasigan.
The journey of discipleship is long and difficult. But God constantly surprises you with new nourishment right at the moment when you are most depleted and discouraged. Above all, God offers you the nourishment given by Christ. When have the words of Jesus sustained you? When has the Body and Blood in the Eucharist given you comfort, or strength or hope? (Cf. Living Liturgy 2012, p. 187)
Please click the pictures or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for next Sunday (August 12, 2018) in English via the US Conference of Catholic Bishops or in Filipino via the Word and Life Publications.
Taste and see the goodness of the Lord
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
August 12, 2018
Our setting in English for next Sunday is by Tinnah M. dela Rosa while our Filipino setting is by Dennis N. Marasigan.
The journey of discipleship is long and difficult. But God constantly surprises you with new nourishment right at the moment when you are most depleted and discouraged. Above all, God offers you the nourishment given by Christ. When have the words of Jesus sustained you? When has the Body and Blood in the Eucharist given you comfort, or strength or hope? (Cf. Living Liturgy 2012, p. 187)
Please click the pictures or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for next Sunday (August 12, 2018) in English via the US Conference of Catholic Bishops or in Filipino via the Word and Life Publications.
Sunday Psalm #311
July 29, 2018
The Lord gave them bread from heaven Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) August 5, 2018 Our setting in English for next Sunday is by Tinnah M. dela Rosa. The bread from heaven you sing about in this psalm is the person of Jesus given to us so that we may have fullness of life. In your singing you call the community to believe in this gift and remain faithful to the relationship it establishes. How is Jesus giving you bread from heaven every day? How does your eating of this Bread every Eucharist strengthen your faith in Jesus?(Cf. Living Liturgy 2012, p. 183) Please click the pictures or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for next Sunday (August 5, 2018) in English via the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. |