September 2018
Sunday Psalm #319
September 23, 2018
The precepts of the Lord
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
September 30, 2018
Our setting in English for next Sunday is by Tinnah M. dela Rosa while our Filipino setting is by Dennis N. Marasigan.
As you prepare to sing this responsorial psalm, pray for the grace to experience the joy that comes from remaining faithful to the Law of God even when this fidelity entails removing from your life those things that stand in the way of this fidelity. What have you "cut.... off" from your life for the sake of Christ (gospel)? What new life has resulted? (Cf. Living Liturgy 2012, p. 217)
Please click the pictures or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for next Sunday (September 30, 2018) in English via the US Conference of Catholic Bishops or in Filipino via the Word and Life Publications.
The precepts of the Lord
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
September 30, 2018
Our setting in English for next Sunday is by Tinnah M. dela Rosa while our Filipino setting is by Dennis N. Marasigan.
As you prepare to sing this responsorial psalm, pray for the grace to experience the joy that comes from remaining faithful to the Law of God even when this fidelity entails removing from your life those things that stand in the way of this fidelity. What have you "cut.... off" from your life for the sake of Christ (gospel)? What new life has resulted? (Cf. Living Liturgy 2012, p. 217)
Please click the pictures or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for next Sunday (September 30, 2018) in English via the US Conference of Catholic Bishops or in Filipino via the Word and Life Publications.
Sunday Psalm #318
September 16, 2018
The Lord upholds my life
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
September 23, 2018
Our settings in English for next Sunday are by Alejandro D. Consolacion and Tinnah M. dela Rosa (2 settings) while our Filipino setting is by Dennis N. Marasigan.
Any normal person would rather avoid the death that fidelity to discipleship makes inevitable. How can singng this psalm give you courage? How in singing it can you give other disciples courage? (Cf. Living Liturgy 2012, p. 213)
Please click the pictures or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for next Sunday (September 23, 2018) in English via the US Conference of Catholic Bishops or in Filipino via the Word and Life Publications.
The Lord upholds my life
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
September 23, 2018
Our settings in English for next Sunday are by Alejandro D. Consolacion and Tinnah M. dela Rosa (2 settings) while our Filipino setting is by Dennis N. Marasigan.
Any normal person would rather avoid the death that fidelity to discipleship makes inevitable. How can singng this psalm give you courage? How in singing it can you give other disciples courage? (Cf. Living Liturgy 2012, p. 213)
Please click the pictures or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for next Sunday (September 23, 2018) in English via the US Conference of Catholic Bishops or in Filipino via the Word and Life Publications.
Sunday Psalm #317
September 9, 2018
I will walk before the Lord
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
September 16, 2018
Our settings in English for next Sunday are by Tinnah M. dela Rosa (2 settings) and Joey Delos Santos while our Filipino setting is by Dennis N. Marasigan.
To sing this psalm well you must combine confidence in God's protection with willingness to take up the cross. Howi n your life does the one feed the other? (Cf. Living Liturgy 2012, p. 209)
Please click the pictures or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for next Sunday (September 16, 2018) in English via the US Conference of Catholic Bishops or in Filipino via the Word and Life Publications.
I will walk before the Lord
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
September 16, 2018
Our settings in English for next Sunday are by Tinnah M. dela Rosa (2 settings) and Joey Delos Santos while our Filipino setting is by Dennis N. Marasigan.
To sing this psalm well you must combine confidence in God's protection with willingness to take up the cross. Howi n your life does the one feed the other? (Cf. Living Liturgy 2012, p. 209)
Please click the pictures or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for next Sunday (September 16, 2018) in English via the US Conference of Catholic Bishops or in Filipino via the Word and Life Publications.
Sunday Psalm #316
September 2, 2018
Praise the Lord, my soul!
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
September 9, 2018
Our settings in English for next Sunday are by Tinnah M. dela Rosa and Alejandro D. Consolacion II.
In this Sunday's responsorial psalm you tell the story of salvation and invite the assembly to sing God's praise. In order to sing this story with authenticity, you must believe it yourself. Do you? Do you shape your life according to it? Does the way you live sing God's praise? (Cf. Living Liturgy 2012, p. 205)
Please click the pictures or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for next Sunday (September 9, 2018) in English via the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Praise the Lord, my soul!
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
September 9, 2018
Our settings in English for next Sunday are by Tinnah M. dela Rosa and Alejandro D. Consolacion II.
In this Sunday's responsorial psalm you tell the story of salvation and invite the assembly to sing God's praise. In order to sing this story with authenticity, you must believe it yourself. Do you? Do you shape your life according to it? Does the way you live sing God's praise? (Cf. Living Liturgy 2012, p. 205)
Please click the pictures or the highlighted link to download the high resolution PDF files of our composers. Click the highlighted link to view the readings for next Sunday (September 9, 2018) in English via the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.